BallotReady to Redshift/BigQuery Data Formats

Bluelink supports 2 data formats for syncing BallotReady data to a data warehouse like Redshift or BigQuery

Format 1 is the raw data as it comes from BallotReady. There is one row for each BallotReady event. A BallotReady event is triggered by a user’s action, such as clicking a button or submitting a form on the BallotReady website.

Format 2 is where data is pre-processed into three tables: People, IDs, and Events.

Note: Field names will be snake_case in Redshift and camelCase in BigQuery to follow common conventions for each database.

Format 1: Raw event data 

Field Description Sample Value
ballotId Unique ID assigned by BallotReady for a Ballot lookup 6870051
sessionId Unique ID assigned by BallotReady for the user session f2f47548-b5c1-4f96-98d9-779cb5bd24a5
properties This field may include IDs from Targetsmart or properties that further define the event {"voter_id": “12323606”, "voterbase_id": "AA-19786660", "accepts_digital_signature":true}
createdAtUtc Timestamp of the event  2020-08-17T15:09:43.513439
url The event took place on this page https://
browserName Browser name chrome
browserOs Browser information Mac OS
browserVersion Browser information 84.0.4147
initialUrl First BallotReady URL the user visited
initialReferrer URL the user was referred from, if any
utmSource UTM data facebook
utmMedium UTM data cpc
utmCampaign UTM data nationalregistrationday
utmTerm UTM data vote+registration
utmContent UTM data flag
screenWidth Width in px 545
screenHeight Height in px 768
viewportWidth Width in px 2049
viewportHeight Height in px 985

Format 2: Three tables

The second format is where we pre-process the data into 3 tables: People, IDs, and Events.

Person data

Field Description Sample value
personId Unique ID for the person assigned by Bluelink. 773985ac-a492-4a4e-8147-9a92a89adf6f
ballotId Unique ID assigned by BallotReady 6870051
firstName First name Anna
lastName Last name Smith
addressLine1 address 411 N 114th St
addressLine2 address Omaha, NE 68154
city city Omaha
state  state NE
zip zipcode 68154
phone phone number  14105678989
email email

Event data

Field Description Sample Value
id Unique event ID assigned by Bluelink 97c451ab-cc7f-492d-b74d-f09bae90304a
personId Which person the event was for. Maps to personId field in the person table 773985ac-a492-4a4e-8147-9a92a89adf6f
ballotId Unique ID assigned by BallotReady for a Ballot lookup 6870051
sessionId Unique ID assigned by BallotReady for the user session f2f47548-b5c1-4f96-98d9-779cb5bd24a5
properties This field may include IDs from Targetsmart or properties that further define the event {"voter_id": “12323606”, "voterbase_id": "AA-19786660", "accepts_digital_signature":true}
createdAtUtc Timestamp of the event  2020-08-17T15:09:43.513439
url The event took place on this page https://
browserName Browser name chrome
browserOs Browser information Mac OS
browserVersion Browser information 84.0.4147
initialUrl First BallotReady URL the user visited
initialReferrer URL the user was referred from, if any
utmSource UTM data facebook
utmMedium UTM data cpc
utmCampaign UTM data nationalregistrationday
utmTerm UTM data vote+registration
utmContent UTM data flag
screenWidth Width in px 545
screenHeight Height in px 768
viewportWidth Width in px 2049
viewportHeight Height in px 985

External IDs

Field Description Sample value
personId Unique ID for the person assigned by Bluelink. Maps to personId field in the Person table 773985ac-a492-4a4e-8147-9a92a89adf6f
source The source of the ID ballotready:session_id
identifier The ID 1238929
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