User Administration

Users may be invited and deleted from within an organization's Bluelink environment. Clicking Admin on the Quick Link Access Bar presents passage to Organization Admin as well as Users.

Selecting Users will present the list of users within your organization’s Bluelink environment. This view shows User name, Email and Role, as well as a Password Reset and Delete User buttons.

All Users have the role of Admin, and have the ability to Add and Delete Users.

Add User

To Add Users to your organization’s Bluelink environment, select the blue ADD USER button in the top right corner. An Add User box will appear asking for the new User’s Name and Email. Once all is entered, the ADD button becomes blue and clickable. 

Password Reset

Invite a user to reset their password by clicking the Password Reset button next to their name in the Users section. A green check mark and Success! will appear at the top of the page to confirm the Reset was sent.

Delete User

To the right of each Users name is a red button the reads DELETE. Clicking it will prompt a pop up box asking whether you are sure you want to delete the selected user.

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